7 tips to Building Strong Parent-Child Relationships: Building An Appropriate Relationship With Children Of Different Ages And Stages Of Development


Parent Relationship With Children is very dramatic to the child’s emotional and psychological development. Early and healthy interactions give the children something to hold on to, increase their confidence of handling issues that come with growing up.


By reading this article, parents can get detailed information on how to build a healthy relationship with children during different stages of their development and how to create the best conditions for the child’s growth and development.

1. Understanding Developmental Stages

It is true that at each developmental age and phase of the child’s growth there are aspects that can either enhance a Relationship With Children or pose a problem. Realization of these stages assists the parents in the right Mannering and supporting their children.


Infancy (0-1 Year): This stage entails a lot of touch and affection from other people particularly the parents or caretakers. Strong Relationship With Children means that the caregiver needs to spend ample of time in comforting, holding and feeding the infant/child. This also implies that through responsive parenting, parents are able to foster trust and establish the sense of security of their children.


Toddlerhood (1-3 Years): Preschoolers are learning how to be on their own while at the same time having to rely on their parents. You will put the needy through a process of discovery within safe environments. Non-punitive Child rearing methods should be used at this stage and there is need to be patient when handling the child.

Preschool (3-6 Years): Preschoolers are being socially interactive and gaining additional information about the environment. Spend time on things that would help them to use their imagination to the optimum level. When dealing with incorrigible children, it is important as educators to clearly outline standard and at the same time promote positive behavior by making use of praises besides making use of strict rules.


School Age (6-12 Years): Relationship With Children during the school going age are in the process of developing and practicing manners of interaction and also are in a process of gaining competence. Encourage them in their school and co-curricular activities and scholarships. Take an interest in the life of your children at school, and ensure that they can discuss any and all incidences that may be facing in school.

Adolescence (12-18 Years): Teenagers are looking for their autonomy while going through the storm of adolescence and experiencing diverse psychological processes. Still, you must respect their desire for being self-reliant yet stay in touch with them. Give them some advice and encouragement keeping in mind that they are growing up.

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2. Prioritize Quality Time

Closeness increases your Relationship With Children and they feel appreciated and wanted to be with. To make the most of your time together:

Engage in Shared Activities: Spend time in ways that both you and your child like, for instance, you can play with your kid, read books or take strolls. Adventure brings people together and places cherished memories in the realm of I-don’t-want-to-do-captions.

Create Routines: Set predictable, repetitive activities for the family like meal times, the time the children need to be in bed among others. Cohesion: Routine is always golden for children and their parents, thus the family creates stable actions to keep the bonds close.

Be Present: Engage with your child always you are around him or her, do not get distracted. Set aside mobile’s and other such devices and concentrate on getting to know them.

3. Foster Open Communication

Parents should take time and talk with their children or listen to them so as to keep that special bond. To encourage effective Relationship With Children communication:

Listen Actively: Listen to your child with true enthusiasm and make it clearly understand that you wish to hear what they have to say. Try not to argue or did corrected and acknowledge the child’s emotions. For instance, “I know you are angry because of the conflict with your friend, let me know what happened?”

Encourage Expression: Make your Relationship With Children feel free to come out and express himself/herself for the better part of him/her is still hidden deep within. Make them feel comfortable to speak out whatever that is in their mind without the fear of being laughed at.

Be Honest and Clear: Discuss issues regarding the family and what is expected of a child with the child himself or herself. That is why, harmonious and sincere conversation is the key to communication and people’s mutual understanding.

4. in Relationship With Children Establish the Does, the Don'ts and the Don’t Even Think About It.

Predictability and rules make children know what is suitable to do or not to do making them feel secure. To set effective boundaries:


Establish Consistent Rules: Set a behavioral code of conduct and make sure everybody follows the rules. Every child can understand that they are reaping what they have sown or that they are creating a schedule if consistency is applied.


Explain Reasons: When children are being set rules, one should also explain why such rules are being set. This way, children learn the importance of following rules for them to be implemented and makes them more willing to follow rules set.


Provide Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement such as encouragement, applause and carriage of gifts in order to encourage positive behavior. Make sure to reward and encourage your child to do well to boost his or her morale and confidence.

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5. in Relationship With Children Show Unconditional love and support

Duty of care, affection and care should be solely given by the parent to the child. To demonstrate this:

Express Affection: In order to find the help and support of other adults, you need to introduce some affection into your child’s daily routine in the form of hugs, praise, and positive remarks. Assure your child that you love him or her and that he or she is important to the family whatever happens.

Support Their Interests: Promote our Child’s passion and inclinations. Support Their occasions and show appreciation of their endeavor and achievements.

Be There During Challenges: Be comforting to your partner especially during such periods. Be understanding of his or her problems and ensure that your child overcomes all the obstacles with a positive mindset.

6. Encourage Independence and Responsibility

Promoting independence and responsibility of pupils assists in the improvement of the child’s self-esteem together with basic skills. To foster these qualities:

Provide Age-Appropriate Responsibilities: Provide responsibilities in an appropriate level that can be easily done by the child depending on his or her age. For instance, a two-year-old child can be asked to assist in course chores while a high school child will be able to perform more difficult tasks.

Allow for Mistakes: As much as possible let your child learn from his or her mistakes. Lend a hand and do not interfere and solve the issue at hand. This enable them solve problems and be resilient.

Encourage Decision-Making: While still being authoritative, involve your child in the decision making of the things to be done in his or her life. This makes it for people to take responsibilities because they feel that the place belongs to them.

7. Model Positive Behavior in Relationship With Children

It can be said that children tend to imitate their parents. To model positive behavior:

Demonstrate Respect: Always respect the people with which you come into contact. Demonstrate such skills as civil interaction, understanding and conflict resolution.

Manage Stress Effectively: The second issue is the lack of effective manners of facing stress and conflicts. This mean that, the perse way in which you proceed to deal with challenges will dictate how your child would handle related circumstances.

Maintain Healthy Relationship with children: Establish rapport with your partner and with other people. Family members develop good rapport that help to shape the personality of the child on how he or she relates to others.

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It is very essential to understand that the step of developing a good communication and relationship between parents and children is parameter that needs extra effort when it comes to the question of their development. As we try our best to be present and to pay much attention to him, as we listen to his needs, be firm and set up clear rules and lines, and as we shower our love for him no matter the circumstances, and allow him and encourage him to be as independent as possible while monitoring his behavior and teaching him the right things to do, all this contributes to child caregiving excellently. Thus, making and enhancing the Relationship With Children is not only time well spent, but is also wholesome for your child’s overall health and achievement.

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